스프링 기반 REST API 개발
3. HATEOAS와 Self-Decribtive Message 적용
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실습 환경
- Java Version: Java 11
- SpringBoot Version: 2.1.2.RELEASE
5. 스프링 REST Docs: 링크, (Req, Res) 필드와 헤더 문서화
요청 필드 문서화
테스트 할 것
API 문서 만들기
- 요청 본문 문서화: request-body
- 응답 본문 문서화: response-body
- 링크 문서화: links
- self
- query-events
- update-event
- profile 링크 추가
- 요청 헤더 문서화: requestHeaders
- 요청 필드 문서화: requestFields
- 응답 헤더 문서화: responseHeaders
- 응답 필드 문서화: responseFields
Relaxed 접두어
Relaxed 접두어를 사용하지 않고 전부 다 문서화 하는 것을 권장
API가 변경되었을 때 변경을 테스트가 감지해서 적절하게 문서도 바뀐 API코드에 맞춰서 업데이트를 할 수 있으므로
- 장점: 문서 일부분만 테스트 할 수 있다
- 단점: 정확한 문서를 생성하지 못한다
링크, 요청(헤더, 필드), 응답(헤더, 본문) 문서화 적용
import static org.springframework.restdocs.headers.HeaderDocumentation.*;
import static org.springframework.restdocs.hypermedia.HypermediaDocumentation.linkWithRel;
import static org.springframework.restdocs.hypermedia.HypermediaDocumentation.links;
import static org.springframework.restdocs.payload.PayloadDocumentation.*;
public class EventControllerTests {
@TestDescription("정상적으로 이벤트를 생성하는 테스트")
public void createEvent() throws Exception {
.contentType(MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON_UTF8) //요청타입
.accept(MediaTypes.HAL_JSON) //받고싶은 타입
.content(objectMapper.writeValueAsString(event))) //event를 json을 String으로 맵핑
.andDo(document("create-event", //문서 이름
links( //링크 문서화
linkWithRel("self").description("link to self"),
linkWithRel("query-events").description("link to query events"),
linkWithRel("update-event").description("link to update an existing event")
requestHeaders( //요청 헤더 문서화
headerWithName(HttpHeaders.ACCEPT).description("accept header"),
headerWithName(HttpHeaders.CONTENT_TYPE).description("content type header")
requestFields( //요청 필드 문서화
fieldWithPath("name").description("Name of new event"),
fieldWithPath("description").description("date time of begin of new event"),
fieldWithPath("beginEnrollmentDateTime").description("date time of begin of new event"),
fieldWithPath("closeEnrollmentDateTime").description("date time of close of new event"),
fieldWithPath("beginEventDateTime").description("date time of begin of new event"),
fieldWithPath("endEventDateTime").description("date time of end of new event"),
fieldWithPath("location").description("location of new event"),
fieldWithPath("basePrice").description("base price of new event"),
fieldWithPath("maxPrice").description("max price of new event"),
fieldWithPath("limitOfEnrollment").description("limit of enrollment")
responseHeaders( //응답 헤더 문서화
headerWithName(HttpHeaders.LOCATION).description("Location header"),
headerWithName(HttpHeaders.CONTENT_TYPE).description("Content type")
responseFields( //응답 본문 문서화
fieldWithPath("id").description("identifier of new event"),
fieldWithPath("name").description("Name of new event"),
fieldWithPath("description").description("date time of begin of new event"),
fieldWithPath("beginEnrollmentDateTime").description("date time of begin of new event"),
fieldWithPath("closeEnrollmentDateTime").description("date time of close of new event"),
fieldWithPath("beginEventDateTime").description("date time of begin of new event"),
fieldWithPath("endEventDateTime").description("date time of end of new event"),
fieldWithPath("location").description("location of new event"),
fieldWithPath("basePrice").description("base price of new event"),
fieldWithPath("maxPrice").description("max price of new event"),
fieldWithPath("limitOfEnrollment").description("limit of enrollment"),
fieldWithPath("free").description("it tells if this event is free or not"),
fieldWithPath("offline").description("it tells if this event is offline meeting or not"),
fieldWithPath("eventStatus").description("event status"),
fieldWithPath("_links.self.href").description("link to self"),
fieldWithPath("_links.query-events.href").description("link to query events list"),
fieldWithPath("_links.update-event.href").description("link to update an existing event")
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